A tummy tuck (also known as dermolipectomy) has many variations, depending on the patient’s needs. A classic version involves removing the extra skin and the need to free up your belly button to reposition it. On the other hand, some patients may benefit from the creation of a new belly button (called neoumbilicoplasty), which can be done during or after surgery.
-A mini tummy tuck entails a more conservative removal of the excess skin in the lower abdomen with no belly button repositioning. This operation is good for people with only a small amount of residual skin or people that want a smaller operation and quicker recovery.
-A classic tummy tuck is not typically done in conjunction with liposuction, but it can be done at the same time if needed. In this case, the procedure is called a Lipoadbominoplasty. Some patients benefit greatly from the addition of liposuction to thin out the upper abdomen and reshape the waist. Like a classic tummy tuck, patients may also benefit from creating a new belly button, which can be done during surgery or weeks after as a staged approach. A personal consultation will determine what is best for you.