Rivera Plastic Surgery offers the only “Full Tech” liposuction service in Miami and South Florida. By “Full Tech”, we describe our practice approach that offers all the State-of-the-Art technologies for liposuction and body contouring, including the ones used in Colombia, where Dr. Rivera has learned many of his techniques used in his practice in Miami
A “Full Tech” liposuction or body contouring case involves using most of the following technologies during the actual liposuction:
1. Microaire® Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL), for fat extraction
2. Vaser® ultrasound, for fat separation
3. Radiofrequency with Retraction® SmartLipo for Skin Tightening
4. Radiofrequency with Renuvion® J Plasma® for Skin Tightening
5. Laser lipolysis for Skin Tightening
In addition, Dr, Rivera-Serrano is an expert in Awake liposuction, or liposuction done without general anesthesia, which may even involve skin removal (“tummy tuck alternative”).