1. Safety: We operate in an accredited facilities with State-of-Art technologies. We use anesthetists that specialize in plastic surgery procedures and use no general anesthesia whenever possible.
2. Natural Results: This is result of using the most modern techniques and the artistic eye of the surgeon, and the use of the latest technology in the market.
3. Rapid Recovery: The combination of pre-operative and post operative protocols, hyperbaric oxygen, intraoperative medications and specialized anesthesia techniques decreases the recovery time.
We are Face & Body Experts. Check Our Website To Learn Why
Dr. Rivera-Serrano
Carlos M. Rivera-Serrano, MD, is a US-trained plastic and reconstructive surgeon with additional advanced fellowship training in Asia and Europe. After completing two surgical residencies and two fellowships (super specializations), his extensive and advanced training makes him one of the most highly trained plastic surgeons in the United States. He is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology / Head & Neck Surgery. Dr. Rivera-Serrano’s medical philosophy is Safety First, always aiming for natural results. For more information click here.

Individually Focused. Tailored Approach

What set us apart:
We have the BODY CONTOURING Know-How:
Body contouring in the United States (US) has lacked innovation over the last two decades. The latest developments in body contouring have come from South American plastic surgeons, where the outcomes have surpassed the rest of the world. Advances coming from South America include High Definition Liposuction, fat transfer to multiple muscular groups and rib remodeling. Despite Dr. Rivera training in plastic surgery in the US, he is a native Colombian and routinely travels to scientific meetings to stay up to date with the latest techniques.
We are experts in liposuction and a tummy tuck alternative without general anesthesia, and can safely do these procedures in patients with higher BMIs
We offer a “Full Tech” liposuction service in Miami and South Florida. By “Full Tech”, we describe our practice philosophy by offering all proven State-of-the-Art technologies for liposuction and body contouring, including the ones used in Colombia and Brasil, where Dr. Rivera learned many of his techniques used in his practice in Miami.
We are true FACE & NECK Experts:
Among many surgeons claiming to be experts, Dr. Rivera-Serrano is among the country’s most highly trained facial plastic surgeons, having completed two separate residencies (plastic surgery & head & neck surgery / ENT) and two clinical fellowships in some of the most prestigious institutions in North America, Asia & Europe. One of his fellowships included advanced craniofacial & microsurgery, and in the past, he used to routinely perform face and neck cancer and complex reconstructive surgery, in much deeper anatomical areas than what most plastic surgeons have ever been.

Safety, Natural Results, Rapid Recovery
Your Procedure with me
We have acquired the latest technology & Know-How to maximize your outcome. We don’t like cookie cutter approaches. We offer a focused, individualized approach because each individual often has different anatomy and needs. However, our approach is beyond technical, and includes a holistic system throughout the surgery process including boosting appropriate nutrition, and using medications to decrease bruising and minimize chances of fibrosis, among others. In other words, our “Full Tech” and Zenlift approaches use the latest medical devices and technologies, which combined with the latest plastic surgery techniques, maximize the outcomes to our patients.
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